Work with me
Transformational life healer and expert Chinese Medicine Practitioner for your
Mind-Body-Soul Evolution
Acupuncture to restore energy balance, alleviate physical discomfort, enhance overall vitality, and nurture a state of harmony in mind and body.
Mental, emotional and spiritual healing for inner balance, self-discovery, and a profound sense of wholeness
Transformational coaching for unlocking your full potential
I am so passionate about the healing I can bring to those I work with. I have been on my own life journey of balance, alignment and empowerment and know the full joy it brings.
I know the power of holistic healing of mind-body-soul and how it can transform us into better versions. of our selves.
Personalised healing for transformation
With a toolkit of techniques, I can create the best combination of healing techniques to personalise treatment for each person.
Mind-Body-Soul Evolution
I'm a transformational Life Healer and expert Chinese Medicine Practitioner. My purpose is to bring you back to yourself, for you to feel in balance and aligned across your mind-body-soul. I use numerous techniques in my sessions, personalised to your specific needs to transform you into your balance.
I'm constantly learning to add to my extensive qualifications, which include:
Chinese Medicine (LIC AC)
Training in mental and emotional healing techniques (such as EFT, Body Calm, Mind Calm, Mind Detox)
Meditation teacher
Reiki Master teacher for mind-body-soul healing
Self Care Coaching Certification
The Coach Programme by Melanie Ann Layer
Nearly 25 years of expertise imparted from spiritual mentors such as Jason Chan, the late Barefoot Doctor, Miranda McPherson, and more.
Initial Consultation: £111 (up to 90 minutes)
In our first session we'll work together to identify your specific ongoing needs and I'll work with you holistically create mind-body-soul balance for you to transform into your best self. I may also recommend some wellness products to assist you in reaching your goals faster.
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One week Voxer coaching (a month of coaching in a week): £333
One month Voxer coaching with 1-1: £999
4 months Voxer coaching with 1-1: £2,997
It's NOT your Hormones ..
Take the free quiz to find out what it actually is ..
Clinic: (acupuncture only) BOOK HERE